Courtney Broedell

About Courtney Broedell

Courtney joined Apperson in October 2016 as a Marketing Project Coordinator. She is an honors graduate of the University of North Carolina at Wilmington. Courtney has a degree in English, a minor in journalism, and a certification in professional writing. In her free time, Courtney enjoys reading, binge-watching Netflix, and attempting to lift weights at the gym.
3 May 2017

10 Tips for Student Engagement

Keeping your students engaged in the classroom can be a difficult task for any teacher. Check out this great list on some ways you can help make this more effective*! Set the Stage - Atmosphere is critical in helping your students stay engaged. This can range from having colorful bulletin boards and a theme for [...]

26 Apr 2017

Resource Challenged: The Classroom’s Bare Supply Closet – part II

We’ve established in our earlier blog post that there is a huge trend of students attending school without having the proper school supplies, and that teachers are paying significant amounts of money from their own pockets to try and combat these odds. This issue not only hurts the teachers, but the students as well.  Apperson conducted an [...]

19 Apr 2017

Using Data to Make Decisions

There are four main reasons for teachers to use student assessment data when making decisions. These are: Curriculum revision Informing instructional decisions in the classroom Monitoring student progress toward meeting standards Empowering students with the results of their learning Changes to a curriculum will result in large-scales changes. This means that the action will have [...]

12 Apr 2017

Earth Day Movies for Your Students

Earth Day is about celebrating our planet and supporting environmental protection. It is our responsibility to take care of our home. April 22 is quickly approaching, and it’s important to get your students engaged in the conversation and care about the cause. Movies are always a favorite, as they can be incredibly informational and fun! [...]

15 Mar 2017

Understanding Assessments

Our earlier blog post about creating good test questions briefly mentioned the three main types of assessment categories. Looking for more detailed information about what these are and why they matter? You’ve come to the right place! There are three main types of assessments: 1. Summative 2. Formative 3. Benchmark Summative assessments are given at [...]

8 Mar 2017

How to Write Good Test Questions

Evaluating student performance through tests and assessments plays a large role in measuring student success. The information that educators gain from these help format methods of instruction and advance student learning. Tests and assessments typically fall into three categories: summative, benchmark, and formative. Once you identify and understand the testing category, you can then begin to write your [...]

1 Mar 2017

Prepping for the SAT and ACT

The SAT and ACT are two of the biggest exams a student will take. The importance of these exams can create a lot of stress for students, knowing the weight that these will play in their future. Currently, 25 states require students to take either the SAT or ACT, and 12 states use them for [...]

15 Feb 2017

Measuring Student Success

Measuring student success is a vital course-of-action for educators. It is imperative that teachers can receive data for classroom test averages as well as individual scores in order to assess the needs of the students. Let’s talk about why. First off, this information allows teachers to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the entire classroom [...]

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